Red Rising is a first person dystopic adventure reminiscent of Ender’s Game, Legend, and The Hunger Games series. This type of story has been in vogue for about a decade, but still Brown managed to hook me in on page one.
Darrow was a Helldiver. A Red. A miner of precious minerals needed for humanity's expansion into the space. What he finds out after the death of his father, his wife, and himself is that he’s a slave of the lowest rank.
Under the wings of those who helped him die, the Sons of Ares, he becomes Gold and infiltrates their most prestigious academy. Brown has set up the academy like trials that can end in glory, shame, or death. This faux war changes Darrow, draws his mind into a dark place. When he is reminded of his purpose, of his wife and his family, he makes an unprecedented move against the administrators.
This is the making of Darrow. He’s a Red Rising.