Monday, March 14, 2016

Red Hood: The Hunt Review

I picked up Red Hood: The Hunt thinking it would be a fun urban fantasy with a gay main character.  I could not put this book down.  Literally, I read it in one sitting.  Erik Schubach did an awesome job crafting Daria and Maireni the story around them and the love they fall into.  The most amazing thing about this to me, when I read it, I didn’t know it had been written by a man.
There was no eroticism in the love scenes.  Schubach left a purity there which was so refreshing and lets the reader focus on the story.  Plus the timeline of the love made sense.  I mean with werewolves at your gate, you’re hardly just going to run off with a strange woman.  Schubach is so smart with Daria’s character and incredibly brave, in my opinion, to write in first person.
The development is spot on, the characters are brilliant, and the legends and world building puts the reader in the story.
I’m hooked.